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How To Control Emotions Positively


How To Control Emotions Positively

                                                 How To Control Emotions Positively

                     In a democratic society, all citizens should receive equal opportunities. But inequality exists due to different reasons. Various emotions emerge according to the nature of the experience we encounter. The responses in such situations should be proper and relevant. We should practise ourselves to identify, control and express properly in a way feeling or emotions that come to our minds in various occasions in our daily life.

 Measures that can be taken to neutralize unfavourable emotions

  1. Exercises to calm the mind,
  • Meditation
  • Growing plants 
  • Enjoying the environment
  • Engaging in religious activities
  • Keeping pets 
  1. Association of friends,
  • Discussion 
  • Mutual support
  • Engaging in various activities like music , dancing , sports , etc.
  • Picnics

  1. Changing personal and environmental conditions causing unfavourable emotions,
  • Keeping home and office clean in an orderly manner
  • Minimizing inequalities and differences
  • Keeping the environment beautiful
  • Acting cordially and collaboratively
  • Working to a timetable
  1. Involvement in creative activities,
  • Composing poems and songs , writing books
  • Performing dramas
  • Engaging in aesthetic activities
  • Landscaping 
  • Singing , dancing , painting , etc.
  • Watching dramas and films
  1. Engaging in sports and physical exercises, 
  • Engaging in an indoor or an outdoor sport or game
  • Walking 
  • Doing physical exercises
  • Swimming
How To Control Emotions Positively
How To Control Emotions Positively

                                  Let's establish democracy by managing emotions positively

         Management of emotions an optimistic way , as a citizen of a democratic society , will lead to the betterment of both , others lines and one's own life. Mental stress and emotions are quite natural but we should practise ourselves to control such emotions and to manage them effectively.

For this, strategies like, 

  • Per-arrangement
  • Working to a timetable 
  • Getting other's support and advice
  • Listening
  • Following rules, regulations, customs and traditions
  • Developing self confidence etc. can be used.                     

How To Control Emotions Positively
How To Control Emotions Positively

                             Through these , it is possible to achieve objectives in life easily without being subjected to various harassments. You should determine to become a democratic citizen who appreciates freedom and equality , and protect the rights of others while fulfilling one's own duties and responsibilities. For this , you should support your friends. Then you will,

  • A person who does not become a victim of emotions as you have balanced personality.
  • Automatically generate in you features like easy going characteristics , smiling and pleasant features with attractive discourse.
  • Be a person who does not hurt other's feelings.
  • Act co-operatively and peacefully in the society.
  • Be trusted and respected by others.
